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The Sky's the Limit.

...Or at least until I hit the end of my rope.

Could you guess that I'm afraid of heights?


I like to challenge my body and brain with rock climbing, whether it's indoor gym climbing using color-coordinated holds to design my path, or outdoors where I get to use my imagination to scope out a route. 


Say Hi :)

Need an icebreaker? Ask me about...

How many different hair colors I've had in my life.

Spoiler: It's a lot...

My pretty rescue pitty, Papaya.

I'll take any opportunity to show her off :)

Anything Korean food related.

Yes I can cook!

How I express my emotions.

Listen, I cry over everything. 

Working out & climbing rocks.

I'm stronger than I look >:(


Thanks! I'll get back to you soon :)

Or feel free to schedule a meeting!

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